[fvc-wat-announce] Second Fair Vote Waterloo New Volunteer Meeting

lanickerson at b2b2c.ca lanickerson at b2b2c.ca
Sat May 28 13:29:03 EDT 2011

Hi everyone! A group of 9 us met a few weeks ago so all the new people
interested in Fair Vote Canada could meet, and we could talk about new ideas
for our local chapter. It was great to see the new faces and hear the
enthusiasm and creativity! With groups of people like you in every community,
we would be so much closer to achieving fair voting!

We are going to have a second meeting on Thursday, June 2 at 7 PM. This is for
anyone interested in helping our local group, in any way, from contributing
ideas and feedback, to helping with projects big and small.

As we had the last one in downtown Kitchener, I'm suggesting downtown Waterloo
this time. I don't think the Coffee Cultures there is big enough to accommodate
us all. Does anyone have other suggestions of a venue? The Heuther? Vincenzos

Please RSVP to me if you can make it.
lanickerson at b2b2c.ca

Want to have a real say in democracy? Want to see a more democratic,
compassionate Canada? Help me make every vote count! www.fairvote.ca

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