[fvc-wat-announce] Democracy cafe Friday at 7 - Join Us!

Anita lanickerson at b2b2c.ca
Thu Sep 15 20:26:02 EDT 2011

Hi Fair Vote supporters! Tomorrow evening (Friday) is our Democracy Cafe. Come out to share your thoughts and opinions on politics and democracy, and talk with others about how to create the democracy we want! If you've never attended an event using a "conversation cafe" format, don't worry! There will be instruction cards on the table and a facilitator to guide us. Conversation cafe is a simple structure that encourages taking turns listening to each other part of the time, and free conversation during other parts, in small groups. It's a great way to meet and learn from some neat people, and chat with some familiar ones, about how to make our democracy work for us. 

The cafe is a partnership between CAPP Waterloo, Fair Vote Waterloo, and Unitarian Congregation of Waterloo. If you are of a different faith, or none, don't be concerned that the cafe is co-hosted by Unitarians. Unitarians are not religious in the traditional sense of the word and not out to "convert" anyone - I would describe them as more intellectual, interested in discussing ideas and very active in social justice. 

The evening will start with the facilitator interviewing a panel consisting of someone from CAPP, Fair Vote, and Transition KW about how they would like to make democracy better and what they are doing to make it happen (in short, to share their passion) as a springboard for discussion.

And of course, you can't miss coffee and my chewy chocolate chip cookies, which actually did not burn! If my luck keeps up, there will be oatmeal cookies, too.

Hope to see you tomorrow (details pasted below). Thank you for being part of the first annual Democracy Week in Kitchener-Waterloo! I appreciate each of you who support us.


Democracy Cafe 

Presented by: First Unitarian Congregation of Waterloo, CAPP, and Fair Vote Canada Waterloo

Place: First Unitarian Congregation of Waterloo, 299 Sydney Street, Kitchener.     Directions:http://fucw.cobalt.golden.net/

Time: 7-9:30

Cost: Free

Contact: Jennifer Ross: jenn at jenniferross.ca, Anita Nickerson, lanickerson at b2b2c.ca

Join us for an interactive evening focused on learning from each other as we find ways to improve our Canadian democracy. 

The evening will begin with a panel of 3 local people from CAPP, Fair Vote, and Transition K-W, who are already active in nurturing political change, to speak briefly (10 minutes each) on 'What are you doing, or wanting to see happen in terms of political institution/democratic reform, and why?'

Then, in groups of 7-8 people, we will all share our thinking and feelings in response to this question in Conversation Café format. www.conversationcafe.org

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