[fvc-wat-announce] Honouring Anita Nickerson

Jennifer Ross jenn at jenniferross.ca
Thu Jan 24 21:12:55 EST 2013

Dear Fair Vote Canada supporters,

Fair Vote Canada activist Anita Nickerson will be presented with a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal at the Cooperate for Canada concert  this Sunday. Anita is being 
recognized in support of her efforts with Fair Vote Canada locally and 
nationally to achieve proportional representation.  The medal will be 
presented by Narine Sookram ( http://www.activevisioncharity.com/index.php/home/about-the-directors/85-narine-dat-sookram.html), a well-known community activist and Caribbean community leader, who was a recipient of Waterloo's top civic honour, the Waterloo Award, in 2012.

I hope many of you can join us on Sunday.

Jennifer Ross

Two Great Cooperate for Canada Events Sunday January 27

Meet Pro-Cooperation Liberal Leadership Candidate Joyce Murray

Where: Duke of Wellington Pub, 33 Erb St. W, Waterloo, in the solarium
When: Sunday January 27, 6-7:30 PM
Details: Joyce Murray, MP from Vancouver Quadra, is the only pro-cooperation and only candidate in favour of proportional representation running the the Liberal leadership race. Come talk with Joyce and cooperation 
supporters from all parties in an informal setting. No cost, everyone 
Contact: More info: Anita anitann88 at gmail.com (519-568-7655)

James Gordon CD Release Cooperate for Canada Benefit Concert

Where: The Button Factory (Waterloo Community Arts Centre) 25 Regina Street S., Waterloo
When: Sunday January 27, 8 PM
Details: James Gordon is a 
talented and well known singer/songwriter, community activist, NDP (ran 
provincially in Guelph in the last election), cooperation and 
proportional representation supporter. 100% of ticket sales will go to 
Citizens for Cross Party Cooperation KW for their campaign. Tickets at 
the door are $18 regular, $12 unwaged/senior/student, kids 12 and under 
free. Refreshments provided. Check the links on the Citizens for Cross 
Party Cooperation website (www.citizensforcrosspartycooperationkw.webs.com) to some of James recent political songs including "Idle No More" and 
"The Day that Canada Died" (about Harper and the first omnibus bill) or 
visit his website www.jamesgordon.ca 
Contact: More info: anitann88 at gmail.com (519) 568-7655
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