[fvc-wat-announce] Kingsley & New Hamburg Tonight!

Sharon Sommerville sharonsommerville at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 09:45:56 EDT 2016

Hello FairVoting Friends,

Last night I had the pleasure of hearing Jean Pierre Kingsley speak in
Guelph. Mr. Kingsley is the former head of Elections Canada (1990 - 2007).
The depth and breadth of his understanding of this country, our electoral
system and electoral systems around the world is enormous.  Not only did he
share his knowledge of electoral systems with us but also his passion for
democracy, democratic rights and his concerns for what we might lose if our
democracies don't continue to strengthen.

There are two opportunities to hear Mr. Kingsley in Waterloo Region today.
We encourage you to take the time to hear this great Canadian and democrat
speak about our electoral system and ways to improve our democracy.  He
will take questions at the end of his talk.

The first opportunity is at Laurier:
Time: 1 pm
Location:  The Peters Building - Room 2007

The second opportunity is at Kitchener Public Library
Time: 7 pm
Location: KPL - Main Branch, 85 Queen Street North
                         in the Auditorium

Tonight's talk includes a short power point presentation on three types of
PR systems by Byron Weber-Becker. It is an excellent opportunity to clear
up some of the mystery surrounding PR.

Both talks will be moderated by Dr. Brian Tanquay, professor of Political
Science at Laurier, who co-arthured the 2004 Law Commission Report on
electoral reform in Canada.

We are very lucky to have two power house talks today!

If you are in the New  Hamburg area and want to learn about electoral
reform closer to home we are hosting a presentation on electoral reform at
the New Hamburg Library tonight at 7pm with Bob Jonkman.  Bob is a longtime
PR supporter, former Green Party candidate and very knowledgeable about PR
and electoral systems.

What a great day to learn about electoral reform in Waterloo Region!

Hope to see you at one of these incredible events!

All the best,
for FVC-WR
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