[fvc-wat-disc] New insert (sample)

pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org
Wed Jul 4 21:56:13 EDT 2007

> Hi folks:
> Here's a basic, 1-sided, text-only version of the new insert.
> If someone wanted to spice it up with graphics, etc., great!
> If not, I think it would work as-is.
> Please have a look.  It's in Word 97/2000/XP format, so
> I'm hoping that will work with most word processors.

A few comments:

0. The insert is too font-heavy. I would stick with two fonts at most:
maybe Impact and Arial? (I would stay away from the MS Comic Sans -- its
reputation is too amateurish now.)

1. We have been using Brian as the new contact for the information nights
(but I don't have a problem with Derek continuing to do it).

2. Wow. That question looks horrible. Who worded that thing?!

More seriously: that question looks horrible. It's really scary to look
at. I think there are a few approaches we might take here:
  - Play up the scariness of the question, maybe as a lead-in to getting
people to come to our information nights.
  - Play down the scariness of the question, perhaps by putting *leading*
text instead of trailing text.
  - Maybe make the text clearer by bolding words, italicizing the French,
or something?

Man. This is hard. Let's think about better ways to sell this question, or
maybe get Central Office to tell us what to do.

Derek: Do you have the SVG sources for your leaflet somewhere? Could you
put them on the wiki (as well as the messaging guide)?

- Paul

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