[fvc-wat-disc] Minutes from June 12th meeting

Kevin Smith kevedsmith at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 00:27:18 EDT 2007

Hi folks:

Paul reminded me that the minutes have not yet been posted.
Sorry.  Here they are:

Fair Vote Canada - Waterloo Chapter
Executive/Volunteer Meeting
Tuesday, June 12, 2007, 6pm
Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work

Exec Present: Brian, Kevin, Derek, Angela.
Others Present: Paul Nijjar, Trudy Beaulne, Marcia Soeda, and one other

forgot his name)

1. Agenda approved (bumped Trudy up to #3, since she had to leave).
2. Minutes from last meeting approved.
3. Trudy
    - libraries - Trudy could arrange for them to co-host
    - Regional Joint Neighbourhood Association Group
        - will meet tomorrow night; Trudy is going
        - A small percentage are interested in the political (mostly social)
    - John Milloy is prepared to provide some leadership on this issue
    - should bring partners together for a media event
    - local papers of interest:
        - Stanley Park News
        - Forest Heights
        - Snap K-W (focused on photos)
    - we can get copies of Farwell Live discussions for $40
    - need to talk to people and engage understanding
    - Trudy prefers round-table setting to expert panels
    - Working Centre should be interested
    - people don't get it -- need to interact & answer questions
    - municipal clerks should be interested (Randy Goss in Kitchener)
    - we should approach groups who host all-candidates' meetings
    - talk to Rick Moffitt, chair of the Waterloo Region Labour Council

4. Marcia Soeda (Kitchener Centre OCA rep)
    - interested in big crowd events
        - Farmer's Markets
        - Multicultural Festival

5. Report back from Provincial AGM
    - Derek - students
        - UW - student Fair Vote club meeting next Tuesday
        - Laurier - Graham starting to work on this
            - would like to approach David Docherty (Brian will contact)
            - also approach VP External of student union
        - Conestoga College
            - no contacts!
            - everyone go through their Rolodexes (Rolodices? :)
6. Messaging
    - one interesting point: in NZ, 20% of ridings had different
        representatives than the riding's chosen party
    - stronger representation: urban conservatives, rural liberals
        - they account for most ballots that are wasted
        - two ways to be represented: locality and issue
    - for "too many MPPs" argument
        - better opposition oversight for the $90 billion budget
        - ratio of MPPs to constituents will still be lowest in Canada
        - more voices will make legislature less "stilted, stifled,

and stunted" (sez Brian)
    - for "List MPPs are party hacks" argument
        - will be more transparent than current riding nominations
    - big argument: "this is our one chance for electoral reform"
    - we didn't keep the medicine and clothing from 1792 - why vote the same
    - Angela
        - successfully argued that council has a role in public education
        - the more people hear about MMP, the more they like it
        - the more they know about the citizens' assembly, the more they
like the process, and will vote YES

7. Actions to take
    - Brian - will go to Waterloo Region council
        - will contact Diane Vernile (ProvinceWide)
    - Paul and Derek will update display board
    - Multicultural Festival
        - 23 Sat - Kevin, Paul, Marcia (1/2 day)
        - 24 Sun - Derek (later), Brian (12-5), Marcia (1/2 day)
    - Kevin - investigate office space
            - Queen & Joseph office?
            - Victoria School?
            - leads from Marty Schreiter?
            - Paul will check Working Centre
    - Aug 10-12 - Blues Festival - KCH

8. Next meeting: June 26, 6pm (later changed to 7pm), same place

Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm.
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