[fvc-wat-disc] June 12th Meeting Agenda

Paul Nijjar pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org
Mon Jun 25 23:47:28 EDT 2007

On Mon, 25 Jun 2007, Brian Tanguay wrote:

> And here's tomorrow's agenda.

 	I would like to request some additions, and also that the agendas 
be included as plain-text in the body of these e-mails rather than 
attachments. For those of us who don't want to open attachments, here is 
the agenda thus far:



1.	Approval of agenda
2.	Approval of minutes of June 12, 2007 meeting
3.	Discussion of referendum question (released 15 June 2007)
4.	Discussion of implications of Environics poll on electoral reform
5.	Report on outreach activities at Non-violence Festival, Dandelion 
Festival and Multicultural Festival
6.	Planning for NDP federal nomination, 27 June 2007
7.	Upcoming volunteer schedule (aside from NDP nomination)
8.	Financial report
9.	Other business


 	I want to propose the following additions and amendments:

- Finding a new Treasurer now that Sean is gone
- Moving the discussion of the Environics poll and referendum question 
until after we have covered the other agenda items (given that we really 
can't change the question or the polling).
- Discussion of Angela and Brian's council meetings
- Decision of whether to purchase the copy of Farwell Live that Brian 
appeared on.
- Organizing on the campuses (both UW and WLU are facing difficulties)
- Followup with all the things Trudy Beaulne was doing for us; maybe a 
quick summary of my meeting with Cambridge Social Planning Council
- Setting up a "phone tree" for people who don't have e-mail
- Inviting important people to come to our meetings (OCA people, 
politicians, etc.)
- Discussion of who should do the information night on July 10
- Assigning monitors for the Record coverage (which has not been 

 	Upcoming events and festivals we will need volunteers for:
 	- Canada Day in Cambridge and UW (if we can get into these places)
 	- Green meeting on Thursday
 	- Afro Fest (July 28)
 	- Kiwanis Dragon Boat Festival (July 14)
 	- Hillside (although we still have not heard from them)

 	That is quite a bit of additional stuff to cover, so maybe it is 
good to get it out in the open now.

Paul Nijjar - http://www.fairvotecanada.org/WaterlooRegion
Next electoral reform info night: Tuesday July 10, 7pm

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