[fvc-wat-disc] Post meeting odds and ends

Paul Nijjar pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org
Wed May 23 17:19:11 EDT 2007

 	0. Could somebody send me Shannon's phone number? I don't know 
whether he got contact info for the Liberal riding presidents, and we need 
to contact them Real Soon.

         1. I don't think we formally have the room booked from 6-7pm on
the 12th. There were people in the room yesterday. If worst comes to
worst we could meet in the cafeteria area, I guess.
         The other issue is that I tend to rearrange the room to set up
for information nights. So maybe meeting in the boardroom is not a great
idea. Let's say we are meeting there for now, though.

         2. If Angela will be leafletting on Sunday, she needs leaflets.
How do we get material to her? Can she pick up some stuff from Derek?

         3. I don't know whether Graham will be able to accompany me to
the Green nomination on May 29. Could somebody else volunteer to help me
out with that event?

  	4. Our local OCA members:
         - Cambridge: Jerrold Labrecque
         - Guelph-Wellington: Elsayed Abdelaal
         - Kitchener Centre: Marcia Soeda
         - Kitchener-Waterloo: Ron VanKoughnett
         - Waterloo-Wellington: Bill Ritz

         I don't see Kitchener-Conestoga. Maybe it was called
Waterloo-Wellington before?

         5. When was the date of Brian's article in the Record that was
pulled for the evening edition?

- Paul

Paul Nijjar - http://www.fairvotecanada.org/WaterlooRegion
Next electoral reform info night: Tuesday June 12, 7pm

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