[fvc-wat-disc] Conference Fees

Angela Yenssen ayenssen at rogers.com
Mon May 21 00:54:45 EDT 2007

Hello everyone,
My apologies for this delayed reply to the various issues that have arisen
but I have (again) been out of town briefly and off-line and am just now
catching up on the discussions that have occurred(just so you all know, I'm
not planning to go away again anytime soon).
Firstly, on the issue of the AGM, I have registered to attend and view my
attendance as something I should do on behalf of the chapter as one of the
co-chairs.  We can discuss others from the chapter attending at the
information meeting but no one should feel pressured to go if they can't
afford to go because I intend to get the information presented and bring it
back for the chapter members.
Secondly, on the issue of the agenda for the meetings, I see that Paul has
posted an agenda for the general information meeting based on the
discussions that have occurred of pertinent issues on the e-mail (thank you
Paul).  I do think that the executive should routinely be meeting before the
general information meetings to make some decisions so the general meetings
are faster and more efficient.  Since Brian is unable to come before 7 p.m.
this Tuesday, we need to stick to the original plan this week of meeting
after the general meeting but I think henceforth we should plan to meet
before the general meeting.  I do think that the co-chairs should be making
the agendas for the executive meetings and the full executive should be
making the agendas for the general meetings and this process will work if
the executive is able to meet before the general meetings in future.  I have
made a list for myself summarizing the different issues that have been
raised thus far over the e-mail and can lead some of the discussions for
both meetings on Tuesday night, but one of the items that needs to be on the
agenda for the executive meeting is the process we will follow in future
regarding the organizing of these procedural activities.
So, in summation, let's head into the meetings on Tuesday night planning to
get organized!  See you all then,

-----Original Message-----
From: fvc-wat-disc-bounces at listserv.thinkers.org
[mailto:fvc-wat-disc-bounces at listserv.thinkers.org] On Behalf Of Brian
Sent: May 18, 2007 5:06 PM
To: FVC Waterloo Region Discussion; pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org
Subject: Re: [fvc-wat-disc] Conference Fees

Hi all. Normally, I'd volunteer to drive up to 3 people to Toronto for
the meeting. But unfortunately it falls on the same day as the annual
Canadian Political Science meeting in Saskatoon (you won't believe how
exciting that is going to be!)

So I have to miss the event. Sorry. And you're right, it's not terribly
accessible. Angela mentioned that she wanted to attend; perhaps she can
act as a rapporteur for the rest of us, and that way we can save money?
I don't know anyone in Toronto who could (or would) put us up for a
night ...

>>> pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org 5/18/2007 1:42:40 PM >>>
On Fri, 18 May 2007, Kevin Smith wrote:

> Just looked at the registration form for the June conference.  The
> fees are somewhat eye-popping:

> So for a low-income person, sure you can spend $15 to come to the
> weekend, but don't expect to eat.  You want to come to the party?
> Well, that'll cost ya.  Then there's transportation and/or
> accomodation.
 	Accomodation and transportation are the two that are hurting me.
don't know whether I qualify as low-income, but even if I do shell out

for the basic no-food fee then I don't know where I would stay the
I would like to take mass transit to get there but that would be
$40 at least, so unless somebody was willing to set up a carpool this 
might be out of reach for me.

(I'm not so hot on the party, to be honest. "Celebrating the referedum

victory" is in my mind a bit premature.)

> This doesn't seem like a very accessible event to me, which is a
> shame, because I think it is important to build a diverse grassroots
> movement in order to win this referendum.
> I am planning to go, but I'm wondering how many others will be.

 	I was hoping we could discuss this at the volunteer meeting to
if we could bring costs down for people. It might also be worth
Larry to see whether there might be billeting arrangements available.

Paul Nijjar - http://www.fairvotecanada.org/WaterlooRegion 
Next electoral reform info night: Tuesday June 12, 7pm
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