[fvc-wat-disc] Sign delivery and St. Agatha meeting

Angela Yenssen ayenssen at rogers.com
Thu Sep 27 22:24:04 EDT 2007

Bryn Ossington is out of town this weekend but is willing to follow up any
requests for signs on Monday.  If anyone is able to handle sign requests
over the weekend in Bryn's absence, please let me know tomorrow as I am also
out of town this weekend.

I am quite concerned about our lack of exposure in Kitchener-Consestoga
riding.  I spoke with a woman today who owns a business in that riding
referred to me by the Toronto office.  She lives in Cambridge and received a
VOTE for MMP brochure in her mail which persuaded her to VOTE for MMP.  She
wanted brochures to give to her employees because they all live in
Kitchener-Consestoga riding and had no knowledge of the referendum.  I was
able to get the brochures to her, but the conversation underlined for me
that other than Adam's work in New Hamburg, Bob's work in Elmira, and my
council presentations in the summer, we are basically invisible in that
riding (except perhaps for some people we catch at the farmers' market).
Consequently, I feel strongly that we need to have a presence at the St.
Agatha televised all candidates' meeting next Tuesday (Oct. 2nd) at 7 p.m.
Is anyone able to distribute information and ask a question about the
referendum at this meeting? 

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