[fvc-wat-disc] [fvc-wat-announce] Debate on the Role of Nuclear in Ontario's Energy Future - Wednesday Sept 14, 7 PM

Anita lanickerson at b2b2c.ca
Tue Sep 13 23:25:57 EDT 2011

Hi Fair Vote supporters! The next event for Democracy Week is a debate, co-hosted with CAPP Waterloo, about nuclear energy in Ontario, tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 7 at the Lyle Hallman School of Social Work. If you come out the back of Kitchener City Hall and look across the street, that's it. We're lucky to have two reputable energy experts with opposing points of view (see below) coming to engage in a formal debate with each other. The debate will be followed by audience questions and discussion. Whether we want or need to buy new nuclear reactors in Ontario, whether to keep the Green Energy Act and in what form, are significant issues in this election. This debate and discussion is to give us some insight into these issues before we vote on October 6. I have invited all parties to have tables at the back to discuss their energy platform with anyone interested after the event concludes, and all have confirmed they will be there except the Conservatives. Free cookies and drinks and all are welcome!

Hope to see many of you tomorrow and again, thank you for supporting us to make the first annual Democracy Week a success!



The Role of Nuclear Power in Ontario's Clean Energy Future: A Debate 

Hosted by: Canadians Advocating Political Participation and Fair Vote Canada Waterloo
Place: Lyle S. Hallman School of Social Work, Auditorium, Rm. 101. 120 Duke Street West, Kitchener
Time: 7 PM
Cost: Free

The province of Ontario is at a turning point in deciding how to meet future energy needs, and each of the provincial parties have a different energy plan for Ontario's future. Are the purchase of the new nuclear reactor's the best plan to meet Ontario's future energy needs? What role should nuclear play in Ontario's energy future? The purpose of this debate is to provide us, as voters, with a better understanding of the issue, beyond the rhetoric, that we can take with us as we go to the polls.

The debate will be between Derek Satnik (http://www.mi-group.ca/keystaff.html), professional engineer and renewable energy policy expert, and Ron Oberth, nuclear expert and President of the Board of the Organization of CANDU Industries
The audience will be asked to vote before and after the debate on the resolution: "That nuclear energy is a necessary component to meet Ontario's energy needs", in order to determine if the debaters were able to influence any opinions."
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