[fvc-wat-disc] [fvc-wat-announce] Additional event tomorrow

Anita lanickerson at b2b2c.ca
Thu Sep 15 20:42:16 EDT 2011

Hi Fair Vote supporters.

A reminder also that both Unity Church and Comeclean.ca are participating in Democracy Week tomorrow (Friday Sept 16) by having tables from 11-2 at Waterloo Town Square (apparently there is supposed to be an indie music festival there, too - added bonus!). 

Come Clean is a campaign to keep the Green Energy Act. A petition will be available to sign if you support this intiative.

Unity is a "new thought" church that believes that what we focus on, we get more of. To that end, their contribution to Democracy Week is a contest in which they will be asking people to write something on a slip of paper stating what they are thankful for about democracy, or how democracy has blessed them, and put it in a pole. I know this can be a challenge for some of us who spend our energy working hard to change some aspects of our democracy, and therefore we spend a lot of our time discussing things we are concerned about. During the time I was planning for Democracy Week, Jack Layton passed away. One thing I am thankful for is that this is a democracy where people with different political affiliations or none were able to come together, even for a short time, in a public way, to recognize the contribution Mr. Layton made and the values he stood for that many of us share. The pole will also be at a faith and art event at Kitchener Market on Sunday from 11-4. On Sunday night a submission will be selected for a $100 cash prize, no string attached.

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