[fvc-wat-disc] Fair Vote Canada Video Contest - Help Us Make it Big!

Anita lanickerson at b2b2c.ca
Sat Jun 8 12:13:29 EDT 2013

Hi Fair Vote Canada Waterloo supporters. You very likely got this email below in your mailbox, but this is just a reminder to help these awesome videos we received reach as many people as possible! The first stage of the contest was a success - we received 11 great entries so far. Now the contestants are competing for a judged panel award and a viewer's choice award for the most views (of course, people with a thousand friends on social media have a headstart but if all of us help out it should be the very best videos that have the chance to go "viral"....). 

There really is something for everyone among the entries: great educational videos using real and pretend countries (Beaver Country, Mouse Country, Canada...), entertaining videos (I find Disproportional Representation - lots of inside jokes for those of us in this cause for a while - and First Past the Pizza just hilarious) and more!

You can see all the videos in the playlist here:


We have two months to work together to help get these views up. We know how many people are ready to hear this and need a way to engage people and explain it, so please share your favourites and encourage friends to do the same.



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            Fair Vote Canada is thrilled to announce the launch of our video contest. Make it a success by viewing the videos on our Fair Vote Canada YouTube Channel and sharing your favourite video entries today!

            Contestants have between June 1 and July 30 to collect the highest number of unique views on YouTube. 

            We need your help to get the word out to Canadians that our votes should count. 

            In addition to a prize for the most views, there is also an Judged Panel Award. Our video contest judges are:

            Jamie Biggar, ED of Leadnow.ca, Canada's largest and fastest growing online democracy movement, Leadnow.ca

            Mark Achar, producer of Canada's top grossing documentary of all time, "The Corporation"

            Kai Nagata, former CTV journalist, videographer, political activist and co-producer of the political satire show Deep Rogue Ram

            Jennifer Hollet, award winning journalist, TV host and reporter for CBC, CTV, and Muchmusic, and digital media innovator

            Heather Libby, Communication, marketing and advertising specialist, and co-producer of the political satire show Deep Rogue Ram

            Thank you again for supporting our campaign for proportional representation!


            Anita Nickerson

            Fair Vote Canada Action Coordinator

            283 Danforth Avenue #408
            Toronto, ON M4K 1N2


            Fair Vote Canada 

            283 Danforth Avenue #408
            Toronto, ON M4K 1N2

            Unsubscribe to the Fair Vote Canada email list by clicking here
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