[fvc-wat-disc] Approval of 2015 AGM minutes

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Thu Jun 30 18:44:21 EDT 2016

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Hi everyone: At our Annual General meeting on Monday night (27 June
2016) I did not bring printouts of the minutes for the previous Annual
General Meeting in 2015. I made a motion that we defer the approval of
the 2015 AGM minutes, that they be published online and to the
Discussion List, and that the Fair Vote Waterloo membership approve
them online.

I've now published the 2015 AGM minutes at
http://www.fairvotewrc.ca/meetings/2015-agm/ and included them below.

Please read through the minutes and let us know of any typos, other
errors, missing items of discussion, and any other necessary
additions, corrections, or deletions.  Please send your corrections by
Friday, 8 July 2016 to executive at fairvotewrc.ca (but feel free to use
the Discussion list if you want to discuss the minutes). Kevin Smith
(Secretary for FairvoteWRC) will compile the corrections and the
corrected minutes will then be posted to

Also, on behalf of Co-Chair Sharon Sommerville and myself, I'd like to
welcome two new Executive Members: Donald A. Fraser and Mo Markham as
Members-At-Large, and congratulate the returning Executive Members:
Aden Seaman, Treasurer; Kevin Smith, Secretary; and Shannon Adshade,
Member-At-Large. Shannon has served tirelessly on the Fair Vote
Waterloo Executive Board every year since it was founded in 2006.
Thank you, everyone!

- --Bob Jonkman
Co-Chair, Fair Vote Waterloo

Fair Vote Canada Waterloo Region Chapter
2015 AGM

June 25, 2015.

Present:  Kevin Smith, Jennifer Ross, Bob Jonkman, Shannon Adshade, Mary
Jackes, David Lubell, Aden Seaman, Sharon Sommerville.

1. Welcome
2. Approval of agenda
     - two typos
    - moved by Shannon Adshade, seconded by Mary Jackes
3.  Approval of minutes
    - 2013 minutes approval - moved by ?? seconded by Bob Jonkman
    - Bob Jonkman would like to see full names in minutes
    -  Ewb other person is Celeste ??
    - moved by Jennifer Ross, seconded by Shannon Adshade to approve

4. Treasurer's Report - presented by Aden Seaman
    - we are up $370 to $1078.38.
    - we no longer get interest on our account.
    - we will check with the Credit Union
    - thanks to Aden Seaman for donating his server and paying for the
domain name

    - moved by Bob Jonkman, seconded by Jennifer Ross to accept the
Treasurer's Report

5. Coordinator's Report

- - many letters to the editor
- - hosted Michael Chong, Patrick Boyer, Michael Harris.
- - fundraising event for movie about voter suppression
- - met with MPs - Harold Albrecht concerned with our promotion of robocalls
- - also hoping to meet with MPPs
- - Looking for more social media - Twitter going well
- - our Facebook account was shut down - not a real name
- - thank you Bob Jonkman, Laurel Russwurm, and Anita Nickerson for their
social media work
- - need to work on look of website; can we copy Vancouver's wordpress?
- - national website can use some work
- - thanks to Paul Nijjar for developing the mock MMP elections - really
helps people to understand
- - moved by Bob Jonkman, seconded by Shannon Adshade to approve

6. Fair Vote Canada report

- - not doing lawn signs for election
- - multi partisan, has STV and MMP supporters

7. Fair Vote Ontario

- - municipal act is changing - the government is looking for more input
- - talking about separating single vs multi member, and ranked ballots in
- - full ranking, or choose number to rank
- - congrats to Jennifer Ross for becoming a national board member, and
thanks for her efforts.

8. Election of Executive

Sharon Sommerville and Bob Jonkman - co-chairs
Aden Seaman - treasurer
Kevin Smith - secretary
Shannon Adshade and Jennifer Ross - at large

9. Constitutional Amendment

- - need 10 for quorum - deferred
- - Hope to get more out during election pub night
- - discussed briefly

10. Election Planning

- - proposal: multi-partisan team to educate candidates
    - too much work
- - proposal: meet and greet in every riding, educate candidates about PR
    - agreed
    - should do this before writ
- - proposal: lawn signs
    - $14 for plastic signs
    - car share got them for $4
    - big signs at intersections may be better
    - encourage people to vote
- - have ideas? E-mail us!

11. New Business

    E-mail spam issues - when spammers spam our executive list, we resend
it, and so we get blacklisted.  Recipients will need to complain to IT.
The Barricuda software (which Laurier uses) is notoriously bad for
legitimate addresses.

Aden Seaman and Bob Jonkman will discuss other technical issues around our

    Liberals have shifted position on PR -- they are open to it now.

    Michael Chong's reform act has been passed!

13. Motion to adjourn by Sharon Sommerville, seconded by David Lubell.

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