[fvc-wat-disc] Wrong Winner In New Brunswick

Sharon Sommerville sharonsommerville at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 15:25:12 EDT 2018

Hello FairVoting Friends,

There was a provincial election in New Brunswick yesterday. This article in
iPolitics outlines the "Wrong Winner" results as the Liberals rec'd a
larger % of the popular vote but fewer seats that the Conservatives.  Also
of note is that the Green Party increased its seats from one to three and
another right of centre party, The People's Alliance, took three seats.

Neither the Conservatives nor the Liberals won a majority so a coalition is
in the works.  Would the Greens make electoral reform a condition of their
support as they did in BC?  It will be interesting to watch this play out
as the Conservatives and The People's Alliance are a more likely pairing
with the numbers to govern.

Thought that you might find the article of interest:


Hope to see you in Cambridge at the Blackwing Coffee Bar (135 George St.)
tomorrow at 7 pm. for our monthly meeting!

Till then,
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