[fvc-wat-disc] Letter to the Editor

Laurel L. Russwurm laurel.l at russwurm.org
Mon Apr 8 13:09:51 EDT 2019


I was pretty horrified when I read the above referenced article, so 
wrote the following letter in response to it:

    *Canadian government needs no help undermining our democracy*

    In the Record article, "Freeland says foreign election meddling in
    October federal vote is likely
    Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland claims concerns about
    increasing political polarization in Canadian society.  But blaming
    ambiguous "malign foreign actors" for Canadian voter cynicism is
    self-serving nonsense.  Perhaps Ms Freeland should confer with Ms
    Gould before publicly undermining our Democratic Institutions.

    Ms Freeland need look no further than her own government's actions:
    first, repeatedly promising Canadians Electoral Reform and then
    sabotaging its own reform process when the Electoral Reform
    Committee recommendation was an answer the Prime Minister didn't
    like.  Canada's epidemic of voter cynicism arises from a voting
    system where some votes are worth more than others. Implementation
    of any form of Proportional Representation is the cure.

    Because Canadian Governments sensibly refrained from adopting online
    voting, we can be confident our paper ballot technology is immune to
    digital hacking.

    Which makes Ms Freeland's /critical election protocol/ the solution
    to a nonexistent problem.  A protocol allowing senior public
    servants to publicly fearmonger about "malign acts of interference"
    during an election sounds like a plan to allow the outgoing Canadian
    Government destabilize the election if they think they're losing. 
    Bad idea.

    Laurel Russwurm

Although I think my letter goes beyond the FVC purview, it does talk 
about Proportional Representation, so I thought I'd share it here as 
they called to confirm I'd written it.  Also, since I don't subscribe, I 
might miss it if it's printed, so I'd love to hear from anyone if it 
is.  Thanks!


♦ *Laurel L. Russwurm, Author <http://laurel.russwurm.org/blogs/>*  ♦ 
*Libreleft Books* <http://libreleft.com> ♦ *Laurel L. Russwurm's Free 
Culture Blog <https://laurelrusswurm.wordpress.com/>*  ♦ *Libreleft 
♦ *Whoa!Canada <https://whoacanada.wordpress.com/>* ♦ *visual laurel* 
<http://laurelrusswurm.tumblr.com/>   ♦ *on Flickr 
<https://www.flickr.com/photos/laurelrusswurm/albums/>*  ♦
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