[fvc-wat-disc] Laptop/AGM stuff

Paul Nijjar pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org
Sat Apr 7 16:52:26 EDT 2007

 	Unfortunately, I messed up this week and did not get to the 
Faculty of Social Work to check out the boardroom. I know that there are 
multimedia facilities, but I don't know whether we need to bring our own 
laptop or not. I do not currently have a laptop.

 	Would somebody else be willing to provide one that we could use 
for this presentation? It should be able to display PDF files. It would be 
easiest if you were able to attend the meeting on Tuesday, but otherwise 
maybe we can work something out (or we can try -- because of Easter I may 
not have e-mail until Tuesday..) If we can't do multimedia I guess we will 

 	In other news, I was looking through the chapter bylaws. Quorum is 
5% of the membership, but we need a majority of the existing executive 
members in attendence. Who in the exec will be at the meeting? Please let 
me know (by private e-mail or on the list).

 	We will also need a financial statement. David: as the current 
treasurer, can you prepare this? I think it should be fairly straightforward.

 	We also need to know what the membership of the chapter is in 
order to determine quorum. According to the bylaws this is Rebecca's 
responsibility as the secretary. Do we have the membership list somewhere?

 	I am also hoping some people will volunteer to be the electoral 
officer and the MC for the night.

Paul Nijjar - http://www.fairvotecanada.org/WaterlooRegion
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org
(This is my new personal account. Please send personal correspondence here.)

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