[fvc-wat-disc] UW: Imprint article Wednesday?

pnijjar at utm.utoronto.ca pnijjar at utm.utoronto.ca
Tue Jan 2 20:26:58 EST 2007

Just ten minutes ago somebody reminded me that Imprint's deadline is Wednesday 
evenings, and that we might try getting something about the Jan 10 public 
consultation in that paper. Unfortunately I don't think I can get the energy 
together to put together an article for tomorrow. 

Would anybody else be willing to tackle this? It would involve speaking to the 
editor Wednesday morning, getting the go-ahead for the article and then 
submitting it. 

If we don't get in this week then maybe it's no big deal. A much bigger deal is 
getting some news coverage in the mainstream papers. To that end I have started a 
press release. I hope to post it to the list tomorrow. 

- Paul

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