[fvc-wat-disc] Afro Fest/Hillside followup

Paul Nijjar pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org
Mon Jul 30 18:37:25 EDT 2007

 	The other participants can provide more details and fairer 
assessments of this weekend, but here are my biased views:

 	- Afro Fest: It was pretty good. People were engaged -- they were 
actually coming up to the booth and asking us for information, as opposed 
to having us reel people in. We spoke with about 54 people, which was 
pretty good considering that the turnout could not have been more than a 
few hundred.
 	Other news: John Milloy introduced himself (he wants to stay 
officially neutral, but will help with publicity for debates and such) and 
Catherine Fife came by -- she is interested in getting a whole pile of the 
white OCA pamphlets from us.

 	- Hillside: Apparently we got about 60 people each day. I found 
this really quiet and somewhat disappointing: we were pretty far back in 
the community tent, and on Sunday not many people wandered into the tent 
to see what was up (Also, 120 people out of 5000 participants are not the 
kind of numbers that get us 60% support in the referendum). Nonetheless, 
we did make some connections -- assorted people ravaged my supply of 
pamphlets to put up at the Guelph Farmer's market and such. People who did 
come by the booth mostly ended up being convinced by our message.

- Paul

Paul Nijjar - http://www.fairvotecanada.org/WaterlooRegion
Next electoral reform info night: Tuesday August 14, 7pm

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