[fvc-wat-disc] Rooms! AGM! Information Nights!

Paul Nijjar pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org
Mon Mar 26 21:55:46 EDT 2007

         Thanks to Sean, we have some rooms booked at the WLU Faculty of
Social Work (on Duke Street behind Kitchener City Hall). This is a
reasonable location which is centrally accessible to the region.

         We have the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from now
until the referendum booked (from 7pm-10pm -- we have to be out by 10pm
     March 27
     April 10, 24
     May 8, 22
     June 12, 26
     July 10, 24
     Aug 14, 28
     Sept 11, 25
     Oct 9

         The thought was to use the second Tuesday as an "information
night" and the fourth Tuesday as a general chapter meeting. (Technically
we should have a meeting tomorrow -- my guess is that people don't want
to meet on such short notice, but I am up for a meeting if others are

         Are these dates horrendous? Is there one or more that need to be
changed? If so you should speak up now, because soon we will be
advertising them everywhere.

Annual General Meeting

         The first Chapter meeting (on April 24) should probably be our 
Annual General Meeting. That timing is lousy for university students, but 
last year's AGM was April 19, 2006.

         Can we afford to defer this meeting until May?

         I am reluctant to bug the booking person to change the date, but
that is another possibility. The earliest we could hold the AGM is the
week of April 9 -- we need to give two weeks notice for it.

         Part of the issue with the bad date is that we need to get some
people elected to the chapter executive -- between 5 and 7 people have
to be elected. Are there some folks on this list who were thinking of
running for the executive but who would not be able to make the April 24


         Currently we have a nice presentation room (room 108) which
apparently holds about 25 people. There is also an auditorium which
holds about 100 people, which we can book instead for most months (but
not Sept 11). My thought was to book the auditorium for the June, July,
and August information nights. Should I do that now or should we wait?

Information Nights

         In addition to going out to community groups on their own turf,
it would be good to get some well-publicized, regularly-held talks
hosted by the chapter. However, in order to make this a success, we
         - People who are willing to give the spiel (this will be good
practice for the referendum)
         - People to help get the word out. (Poster designers would be
nice, as well as people to deliver posters, send out press releases,
contact community groups, etc.)

         If you can help with this, please let me know so that we can
get this ball rolling.

         I hope to update the website and send out a message to the
announcement list either tomorrow or Wednesday, so let's get discussion
happening on this ASAP.

- Paul

Paul Nijjar - http://www.fairvotecanada.org/WaterlooRegion
SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org
(This is my new personal account. Please send personal correspondence here.)

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