[fvc-wat-disc] Upcoming meetings

Paul Nijjar pnijjar at sdf.lonestar.org
Fri May 4 20:46:46 EDT 2007

On Fri, 4 May 2007, Kevin Smith wrote:

> I was wondering: have we registered for the Multicultural Festival?

         Here's the scoop on the multicultural festival:

         - I got the forms e-mailed to me today. The stated deadline for
applying was apparently May 1, though. I don't know how that works. For 
now I will presume that we can still apply.

         - If we qualify as a nonprofit community organization we might
qualify for a free table. Otherwise the table is $30 for the two days.
If we want to do fundraising I think we may, but that will cost an
additional $30. We can get multiple tables but they cost another $20 

         - All organizations have to demonstrate proof of $2million
liability insurance (!). I am pretty sure that we don't have this.
Apparently we can discuss this with the organizer to figure things out.

         - On the application, we have to tell them what we are bringing:
chairs? handouts? a tent?
         I am pretty sure we can round up a couple of lawn chairs. Does
anybody have access to a tent that they won't be needing for this
weekend? It would come in really handy, most likely.

         I feel pretty strongly that we should try to get into the
Multicultural festival. A huge number of people go, and they are not
the same old faces either. (Sorry, same old faces.)

         Does anybody want to help get this application together? We
should try to get it done early next week (if they let us apply at

         I will update the wiki with what I have learned. Sorry for
dropping the ball on this.

- Paul

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