[fvc-wat-disc] Another opportunity for letters

ARI DAIGEN adaigen at sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 5 08:51:09 EDT 2007

For anyone who hasn't already had a letter published, there's a great 
educational op-ed piece by John Roe in today's Record that's worth 
responding to:


Roe tries to be even-handed of course, and says what both proponents *and* 
opponents of MMP say. I'd suggest shooting down the opposing arguments he 
gives: 1.point out that party lists, as well as the processes for choosing 
them, would be known to the public before election day, meaning voters *can* 
vote for or against parties whose lists they don't like. 2.Point out that 
coalitions are made through *front*-room wheeling and dealing, which is the 
type of cooperation we want to see in a democracy, and is a lot more 
democratic than false majorities that hold absolute power without having to 
consult anyone!



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