[fvc-wat-disc] It's not over

ARI DAIGEN adaigen at sympatico.ca
Wed Oct 10 22:54:04 EDT 2007

Hi all,

It's late, and I'm long overdue for a glass of wine and a video...but I 
wanted to say two things. First of all, good for us for spreading the word 
about the problems with the current system, and the need for change! Given 
all the obstacles thrown in our way, nearly 40% of the vote (I don't know 
the final number yet) is phenomenal--people are NOT happy with the system, 
and the results of this election do nothing if not bolster the case for 
reform. (With *less* of the vote, and 60% against them, the Liberals won a 
*bigger* landslide majority. I don't know yet whether John Tory kept his 
seat, but if he loses and then gets parachuted into another riding I would 
be highly amused, given all our opponents were saying about how 
"accountable" politicians are under FPTP, and how party leaders would have 
too much power under MMP.)

That leads to the second thing--we've got more work to do. I can't think 
clearly tonight, but starting tomorrow I/we've got some letters to write, 
signatures to collect, etc. There's clearly a problem with the system, and 
we can't let the government use this rigged campaign to pretend otherwise. 
Let's keep the pressure on, and get them to study the issue in broad 
daylight, with a *real* education campaign, *real* publicity, and (ideally, 
eventually) a  voting date separate from a general election.

Good night all,


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