[fvc-wat-disc] Cleanup

Alan Angold AlanAngold at rogers.com
Fri Oct 12 21:42:05 EDT 2007

Oops, sorry I meant to direct this email to the Cambridge Vote for MMP 
group.  But my thanks does go out to you at VoteForMMP too.

To both Vote for MMP groups,

Regarding the Email lists,

It is easy enough to set up an account on YahooGroups.  We could either
leave it up to people to join themselves or we could just take the email
address list and get YahooGroups to send everybody an invitation to
join.  It's actually a fairly nice system with archiving, digests,
webpages and numerous other facilities.  The drawback is that you have
to sign in and get a free Yahoo account (but this is fairly easy) and
you have to put up with a small amount of non-intrusive Yahoo
advertising in your emails.  I'd be happy to do this.

I would like to see this group of people continue.  I'm sure everybody
feels the way I do: a great deal of disappointment with the results.
However, the handling of the referendum really pisses me off and I think
there are a lot of people out there with the same feelings.  I think
McGuinty and his cronies sabotaged the referendum from before it was
even declared.  On these grounds I think it should be re-done.  There
should be a forum for this and to eventually coordinate the next battle.

We should also take a lesson from the way this referendum was handled.
There wasn't much time to make sure everybody was prepared for the
referendum.  We should realize that in any further contests this will be
a problem also.  We should stay prepared.  Thirty seven percent of the
voters that did vote are on the MMP side.  We have a critical mass now.
It will only take time before people start to realize they've been taken
for fools.  We can use the knowledge gained by our experience in this
referendum to predict what the questions will be and have the answers
ready next time.

As you might be able to tell I'm one of those people that believes that
people voted for FPTP because they didn't know about the referendum and
MMP was the scary unknown (or they were being fed lies, mis-truths and
gossip about MMP) and voted for the poison they knew.  I don't believe
people picked FPTP because they were well informed and believed that
FPTP was a better system.

I would also like to thank all of you, in both groups, for your hard
work and dedication.  You guys did a tremendous job judging by the
torrent of emails (which I'm still buried under) and that 37%.  There
are many people out there that would still be in the dark if it wasn't
for your tremendous effort.

Take care,

Bob Jonkman wrote:
> We can keep a copy of the existing mailing list subscribers, and invite 
> them to join us for the next campaign.
> We can set up a new list for the "hard-core" group who need to 
> communicate with each other between campaigns.
> We can keep this list -- Now that the election is over the traffic on 
> this list will decline, and it is likely people will begin to 
> unsubscribe.
> Or, as Paul suggests, we can just delete this list, or purge the 
> membership.
> Regardless, we will not lose the existing contact information of those 
> people who are currently on the list.
> --Bob.

Alan Angold <AlanAngold at rogers.com>
549 Sandbrooke Court, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2T 2H4
Home:(519) 747-5535

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