[fvc-wat-disc] Letter Campaign

ARI DAIGEN adaigen at sympatico.ca
Thu Sep 20 19:37:37 EDT 2007

Hi Everyone,

I talked to John Roe, editor of the Record's editorial page, a couple hours 
ago. He tells me that they'll be running a pair of "Pro/Con" articles soon, 
and that they'll be running my article soon (so probably sometime next 
week?). He also tells me that they've been receiving a fair amount of 
correspondence about the referendum, so it sounds like people are finally 
starting to pay attention!

This is a great opportunity, but as people are just learning about the 
referendum, we need to be sure that they know what it's really 
about--democracy, having a fair vote--before they hear a whole bunch of 
misleading tripe from our opponents.

Therefore, as this issue starts to get some media attention, I think it's 
time for us to get writing--to the editor. Consider this a call for 
letters--I'll be trying to spread this around to members of all parties and 
whoever else I can. But here are some places to send letters.

The Record
letters at therecord.com

Waterloo Chronicle
editorial at waterloochronicle.ca

Guelph Mercury
editor at guelphmercury.com

Hamilton Spectator
letters at thespec.com

Toronto Star
Address contributions to Letters to the Editor One Yonge St.,
Toronto ON
M5E 1E6
Letters must include full name, address, phone numbers of sender; street 
names and phone numbers will not be published. We reserve the right to edit 
Fax: 416-869-4322
lettertoed at thestar.ca

Globe and Mail
Submissions to Letters to the Editor should be exclusive to The Globe and 
Mail. To submit a letter, include name, address and daytime phone number. 
Keep letters under 200 words. The Globe reserves the right to edit for 
length and clarity.
If a letter is accepted for publication, the copyright becomes the property 
of The Globe and Mail.
letters at globeandmail.com

I'm not sure exactly how long papers want them, but shorter is generally 
better--the Record, for example, suggests a maximum length of 200 words. I'm 
sure I don't need to tell all of you what points to make--happy writing! 
With this rally we'll get on the news page, let's put this in the opinion 
section too.

Best wishes,


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