[fvc-wat-disc] Editing/format help?

Anita lanickerson at b2b2c.ca
Fri Aug 3 12:48:24 EDT 2012

Hi Fair Vote Canada supporters!

We're lucky in KW to have dedicated people to carry the torch and make the KW chapter one of the most active in Canada. But most places in Canada there is no Fair Vote chapter, or even informal local team. Many of the chapters that do exist are defunct/inactive. We have many places in Canada where there are already enough identified supporters to start a team. We all know that all it takes are a few individuals. Part of the idea with doing the collective actions - the petition was the first and was very successful with 175 people signing up to help - is over time to build up our base of individual activists and to encourage local teams.   

Last year I had this idea that it might be of some help to somebody to make a Guide to Taking Action 101, a "what and how" of things chapters and individuals have done for anyone who wants to get active, or start a local team or chapter. Currently on the Fair Vote website for resources there are just the chapter by-laws and a very short document with a few general ideas.

I got so far with writing the guide, getting input for different sections from people on the chapters email list, and then I hit a wall. I knew I needed help if I was going to make it look more professional and fill in the missing pieces. Ten volunteers signed up and joined a yahoo group to help me edit/improve it but in three months none of these people on the list will even acknowledge they're alive :). 

I'd like to send a link to this guide out in the FVC national newsletter on August 14, to give people ideas of what they might do locally (in addition to the collective action we'll be asking people to sign up for) during Democracy Week. 

I'm thinking there would be two versions of the guide - one in a PDF I can send out on Aug 14, and another which would be our "living document" in google docs, where we can add more info as we get it. For example, I would like to put a section in the guide on how to use social media to promote your group, but since I don't use any social media other than facebook and I haven't had much luck with our FVC page, I'm not the best one to give tips!

Does anyone want to/have time to help me and Fair Vote Canada?
 Again, what I need is:
  a.. Editing
  b.. Making the pages look more professional and in an easy to read format
  c.. Put in a PDF
  d.. Might be nice to have some pictures in the different sections (like, under presentations, a picture of someone presenting)
Here's what's there so far:



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