[fvc-wat-disc] letter to editor

Anita lanickerson at b2b2c.ca
Thu Feb 2 12:12:19 EST 2012

A politician's idea of "democracy" is defined as: anyone who can come up with the registration fee can run, and anyone can vote. It matters not to them how many of us vote or how many who do vote end up represented (have any say). So long as the contest is what they deem a "fair" boxing match all is well, and those who didn't win are whiners and should just suck it up. To quote Justin Trudeau speaking against PR: "At some point you have to accept that there is a winner and a loser, and losers don't get blue ribbons for their effort".

The point missed with this cave man mentality is that it is not about giving Karen Redman, Byron Williston and Peter Thurley blue ribbons for effort even though they are "losers". The losers are not the politicians, but the voters.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sean OS 
  To: FVC Waterloo Region Discussion 
  Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2012 11:56 AM
  Subject: Re: [fvc-wat-disc] letter to editor


  Your astute and succinct observation is bang on. You have described my own exasperation to a T - even though (in my case) I thought I would have gotten over it in old age .

  _ _ _ _ _ 

  On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Richard Fairman <richard.fairman at hotmail.com> wrote:

    Thanks for the comments and advice Anita and Les.  I just have such a problem with the let's-pretend-that-what-we-have-here-is-democracy posturing of the defenders of the status quo that when truth blazes down upon the ignorance, I naively expect a consensus to develop and a take-to-the-streets movement such as the counter-culture/occupy to ensue.  But wow, it somehow still amazes me that true democracy is not what the powers-that-be want, though they like to use it as a buzz-word.  I suspect that the system is already too democratic for their tastes, many coming from the dictatorial infrastructure of big business and all.

    From: leskadar at rogers.com
    To: fvc-wat-disc at listserv.thinkers.org
    Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2012 08:27:15 -0500
    Subject: Re: [fvc-wat-disc] letter to editor

    Nice letter.
    Unfortunately those in office who received the fictitious right to make the changes needed as described, are clearly not so eager to do so.
    Even more unfortunate, those that vote are even less eager to insist such changes be made by staying home and not voting.

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Richard Fairman 
      To: Fair Vote Canada Wat Disc Group 
      Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2012 8:01 PM
      Subject: [fvc-wat-disc] letter to editor

      Hello Everyone
      I sent this letter-to-the-editor at The Record, to which they responded saying that they would publish it. It was not published in print but to my knowledge only in their on-line version of Jan. 30 and then, at that, only hidden under "view more articles" that must be clicked in order to be viewed.  Why did they even bother?  Clearly, The Record disagrees with the sentiments.
      Democracy means the people rule. Representative democracy means the people rule through their elected representatives.

      Therefore, if representative democracy is to be truly rendered, the will of the people must be accurately represented.

      The Canadian electoral method fails democracy by typically awarding false, 60 percent majorities to parties with as little as 35 percent of the electorate's actual support. Thus, the will of the people is typically deceived, defrauded and deposed, and consequently, the resultant government illegitimate.

      Only an accurately proportionate voting system mirrors, honours and serves the supreme will of the people; hence, only proportional representation can be true to the first principles of democracy.

      Let's repudiate our charade of an electoral system, a system that usurps precedence over democracy itself, a system that's been in place since women were deprived of the right to vote and is as morally repugnant. Let's get it right Canada! It's called progress. Proportional representation is democracy. Let's insist on it.

      Rick Fairman


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