[fvc-wat-disc] Thought you might be interested in this review of Canadaland:Commons

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Thu Dec 3 22:00:13 EST 2015

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I've been listening to Canadaland and Candadaland Commons since they
first started airing.  I take it for what it claims to be: non-experts
seeking to understand the Canadian political system.

It's interesting that Dale Smith (the author of the article you link
to) complains that the show hosts ask "Why is this so complicated?",
tells us that "it's actually not", and then goes into a four paragraph
explanation on how complicated it really is.

I don't see any comments on that article, and I'm quite happy with
that:  https://twitter.com/AvoidComments/status/539562031096266752

If there's one worse thing than ignorant show hosts making uninformed
statements, it's uninformed commenters making ignorant comments.

- --Bob.

On 03/12/15 09:40 PM, Sharon Sommerville wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> This turned up in my scratching around about Canadaland:Commons
> http://canadalandshow.com/article/why-canadaland-commons-possibly-worst-thing-canadian-politics
>  Thought you might find the comments of interest.
> Cheers, Sharon
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