[fvc-wat-disc] More online resources for Presentation Working Group

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Wed Dec 16 16:37:43 EST 2015

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Hi all: I've added a new resource page to the web site for the
Presentation Working Group.


None of the resources pages are publicly published yet. Once the
presentation is in its final form we can decide what we want to have
on the main http://fairvotewrc.ca/resources/ page. We can keep the
other pages as an archive of the work we've done.

I've uploaded a spreadsheet with the charts to illustrate Votes vs.
Seats, based on the data from Paul Nijjar's presentation.  It's been
more difficult than I thought to colour the different bars based on
party colour, but I'll work on that tonight and update the file.
Hopefully that's still in time for our meeting tomorrow afternoon.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find Byron's e-mail with the attachment of
the first draft of the presentation, but I don't know if we still need

We can use the FairvoteWRC web site to share files. To upload a file
you'll need to register on the web site at

I really dislike Google Docs and Google Drive -- I spent quite some
time cleaning out all the tracking and surveillance links in a
document that someone sent me through Google. I'd rather not have my
political preferences collected by Google and sold off to their
advertisers, never mind the various government agencies.  Yes, I
actually own a tinfoil hat!

- --Bob.

- -- 

Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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