[fvc-wat-disc] Xmas card from Bardish

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Wed Dec 21 14:35:39 EST 2016

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OK, I see that in their "Privacy" statement: "While answering the
profile questions is optional, not answering these questions will
result in your input not being included as part of the weighted
results of the study. Aggregate statistics for all responses will
still be included in the final report."

I just had a quick look at the HTML source for http://mydemocracy.ca
- -- the first thing that happens is it runs some Javascript code from
Facebook. At the very least this means that Facebook has a record that
you've accessed the http://mydemocracy.ca, and it is likely that
they're tracking your Facebook profile as well (they'll have access to
your friends, your posts, your likes, and anything else that Facebook
makes available). The rest of the site is entirely obfuscated
Javascript, so it will take many hours of analysis to see what else
they're doing. Yes, they give themselves permission to do this in the
"Third Party Websites" paragraph of their privacy policy.

This level of surveillance for a poll is entirely unnecessary. I
expect better from my government.

- --Bob.

On 2016-12-20 06:38 PM, Anita Nickerson wrote:
> They now say that if you provide the demographic info they include
> you in the "weighted" results and if you don't you're in the
> overall results. Yes, they changed it.
> I'm sure they need to hear pro-PR from people who live outside of
> big cities because that's where the support for PR and response is
> usually low - luckily you actually do live in one of those areas.
> Anita
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 5:32 PM, Sharon Sommerville < 
> sharonsommerville at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> I believe that I heard that you no longer have to provide the
>> demographic information to be included in the survey.  There was
>> such a hue and cry that VoxPoll removed the necessity to submit
>> personal information.  This happened about 10 days ago.
>> Cheers, Sharon
>> On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>
>> wrote:
> Dave wrote:
>>>>> Their point was very well put that if too many people
>>>>> ignore or refuse to do the questionnaire, that feeds into
>>>>> their case that there’s not enough interest or consensus.
> As much as I understand that lack of participation will advance
> the "nobody wants Electoral Reform" rhetoric of the Liberals,
> there's no way I'm willing to provide them with the personal,
> private demographic data the survey asks for. And as long as
> they're discounting replies that don't include the demographics, I
> see no point in participating.
> Unless it's considered acceptable to answer the survey questions
> as recommended by http://mycanadiandemocracy.ca/ but completely
> falsify the demographic data...  And would false demographic data
> also invalidate the survey? How can they tell?
> --Bob.
> On 2016-12-20 02:49 PM, Dave Arthur wrote:
>>>>> How come I didn’t get a card from Bardish? Just watched
>>>>> the Broadbent webinar with Elizabeth May and Nathan Cullen.
>>>>> It was great. They provided more information about what the
>>>>> ERRE report did and did not say. They were also encouraging
>>>>> all of us to keep up the pressure. That included
>>>>> encouraging everyone to do the questionnaire and then let
>>>>> the government, Monsef and MPs know what we thought of it.
>>>>> Their point was very well put that if too many people
>>>>> ignore or refuse to do the questionnaire, that feeds into 
>>>>> their case that there’s not enough interest or consensus.
>>>>> May and Cullen want more people to read the ERRE report or
>>>>> at least the summary points that are available. Dave A
>>>>> From: Eleanor Grant Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 11:47
>>>>> AM To: fvc-wat-disc at listserv.thinkers.org Subject:
>>>>> [fvc-wat-disc] Xmas card from Bardish
>>>>> Hi Fair Voters,
>>>>> Did y'all get a nice card from Bardish today? Nice of her
>>>>> to reach out to her opponents. I'm wondering who all those
>>>>> extended family are - all children!
>>>>> Eleanor
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------
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- -- 

- --
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
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