[fvc-wat-disc] Do you have 3 minutes for a more democratic Canada?

haberlin at gmail.com haberlin at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 19:38:04 EDT 2016

I too am very disappointed.  I promised myself, I would wait until the second year of their mandate before I embarked on an anti-Liberal rant.  It is becoming increasingly difficult to keep that promise.  

 In the interim, I will satisfy myself with signing the Broadbent institute petition at 

http://www.broadbentinstitute.ca/erre_promises?utm_campaign=oct19_16_pr <http://www.broadbentinstitute.ca/erre_promises?utm_campaign=oct19_16_pr&utm_medium=email&utm_source=broadbent> &utm_medium=email&utm_source=broadbent




From: fvc-wat-disc [mailto:fvc-wat-disc-bounces at listserv.thinkers.org] On Behalf Of Dave Arthur
Sent: October 19, 2016 7:11 PM
To: fvc-wat-announce at listserv.thinkers.org; fvc-wat-disc at listserv.thinkers.org
Subject: Re: [fvc-wat-disc] Do you have 3 minutes for a more democratic Canada?


Yes, I will e-mail Bardish tomorrow.

An e-mail to Justin and to the Liberal Party, especially if you are a member or supporter, could help.

After we see how the situation progresses, I may also see if I can meet again with her.

They believe their popularity will win future elections.

However, if they hear from those who supported them at the ballot box, both sincerely and strategically, and financially that that support will be terminated, they may very well listen.



From: Sharon Sommerville 

Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2016 6:26 PM

To:  <mailto:fvc-wat-announce at listserv.thinkers.org> fvc-wat-announce at listserv.thinkers.org ;  <mailto:fvc-wat-disc at listserv.thinkers.org> fvc-wat-disc at listserv.thinkers.org 

Subject: [fvc-wat-disc] Do you have 3 minutes for a more democratic Canada?


Hello Everyone, 


For those of us seeking meaningful electoral reform today's first anniversary of the Liberal's historic federal electoral win has been dampened by an interview in this morning's LeDevoir with Prime Minister Trudeau. Basically, the Prime Minister said well, maybe just a little change for now.


Here is an article on the interview and subsequent debate during question period in Parliament today in iPolitics:

 <https://ipolitics.ca/2016/10/19/trudeau-backing-away-from-voting-system-change/> https://ipolitics.ca/2016/10/19/trudeau-backing-away-from-voting-system-change/

For those of you that speak French, here is the link to the LeDevoir article:

  <http://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/482514/la-reforme-electorale-n-est-plus-garantie> http://www.ledevoir.com/politique/canada/482514/la-reforme-electorale-n-est-plus-garantie 

Do you have 3 minutes to phone or email your MP to let them know that we expect them to keep their election promise to make every vote count?  We can't let them walk away from this election promise, this is our historic opportunity to create a stronger democracy and public policy that serves all Canadians. 

Here are the phone numbers and email addresses of our Waterloo Region Liberal MPs.

Bryan May - Cambridge

telephone: 519 624 7440    email:  <mailto:Bryan.May.P9 at parl.gc.ca> Bryan.May.P9 at parl.gc.ca

Marwan Tabbbara - Kitchener- South Hespeler

telephone: 519 571 5509     <mailto:email%3AMarwan.Tabbara.P9 at parl.gc.ca> mailto:email%3AMarwan.Tabbara.P9 at parl.gc.ca

Bardish Chagger - Waterloo

telephone: 519 746 1573     <mailto:email%3ABardish.Chagger.P9 at parl.gc.ca> mailto:email%3ABardish.Chagger.P9 at parl.gc.ca

Raj Saini - Kitchener Centre

telephone: 519 741 2001    email:  <mailto:Raj.Saini.P9 at parl.gc.ca> Raj.Saini.P9 at parl.gc.ca

A simple message is all that is needed but if 50 or 75 or 100 of us call or email, the message will be loud and clear: we expect you to keep the promise that 2015 will be the last election under First Past The Post.  

Let's make sure we get the change we voted for, call or email your MP.

Thank you!

Best regards,


for FVC-WR










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