[fvc-wat-disc] How to address new federal NDP leader

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at sobac.com
Mon Oct 2 16:07:57 EDT 2017

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Of course, Jagmeet Singh is not in the cabinet of either the federal
or provincial government, and so is not a Minister. As an opposition
MP or MPP he's "Mr. Jagmeet Singh" in both conversation and

Federal and Provincial Cabinet Ministers are referred to as, eg. "The
Honourable Bardish Chagger", or in conversation and correspondence as
"Minister Chagger".

- --Bob.

Styles of address - Canada.ca: http://canada.pch.gc.ca/eng/1452017684393

On 2017-10-02 02:50 PM, Catherine Campbell wrote:
> Hi, Jay, Just thought I'd make the suggestion that I believe the
> way to address a cabinet minister in a federal or provincial
> cabinet is "minister. " eg  Dear Minister Chagger. Backbenchers are
> mr, ms, mrs or dr. I used to be an assistant researcher for an MP.
> Staff members notice details like that and ascribe credibility to
> the correspondent accordingly. Regards, Cathe
>> On Oct 2, 2017, at 8:50 AM, Jay Judkowitz <judkowitz at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I tweeted at him about #ERRE this morning (RT's appreciated :-)
>> I also sent his office this letter:
>>> Dear Minister,
>>> I would like to congratulate you on your historic and inspiring
>>> victory in the race for the NDP leadership.
>>> As someone who recently moved to Canada from the United States
>>> so that my family could live under a saner political and
>>> economic system, I am very glad that there is a strong NDP
>>> party.  Having a strong NDP is not important only for the NDP's
>>> policy ideas.  It's important generally to avoid the vicious,
>>> winner take all, anti-voter, two party duopoly we experience in
>>> the United States.
>>> I am writing to implore you to vigorously support proportional
>>> representation generally and specifically to make it a
>>> precondition to any political alliance should there fail to be
>>> a majority in Parliament next election.
>>> I fear Duverger's Law and that real multi-party democracy in
>>> Canada will not survive another decade of first past the post
>>> elections.  As someone who has lived under two party democracy,
>>> I can assure you that it's not a fate you should want for
>>> Canada.
>>> Congratulations again.  I wish you the greatest of success in
>>> your new role.  As you work, please consider the long term
>>> health of Canada's democracy and not just near term issues.
>>> Best regards, Jay Judkowitz
>> Hoping we can have some effect on him as he take on his new role.
- -- 
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
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