[fvc-wat-disc] Possibly dumb question on FPTP...

Edward Brown dedly_edly at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 4 21:39:24 EST 2018

That's the reason (or at least one of the reasons) that I have taken to calling it Hungry Hungry Hippos.

      From: Jay Judkowitz <judkowitz at gmail.com>
 To: FVC Waterloo Region Discussion <fvc-wat-disc at listserv.thinkers.org> 
 Sent: Sunday, February 4, 2018 3:15 PM
 Subject: [fvc-wat-disc] Possibly dumb question on FPTP...
So, does anyone know why it's actually called "first past the post"?  
That name makes it sound like there is some marker there and it's a race to pass it.  Like, first past 30% wins.  But, there is no post at all, nothing that can be determined even knowing the number of candidates.  Shouldn't it be called something like "Plurality Voting" or "Plurality Takes All" or something more descriptive?
Thanks in advance for the education!_______________________________________________
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