[fvc-wat-disc] Fair Vote AGM minutes 2017

Kevin Smith kevedsmith at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 20:00:49 EDT 2018

Minutes of Fair Vote Waterloo Region AGM - June 21, 2017, 7pm

Egg Roll King

Present: Dave Arthur, Jay Judkowitz, David Dolson, Cathy Scott, David
Dirks, Bob Jonkman, Jennifer Ross,Jonathan Cassels, Sharon Sommerville,
Donald Fraser, Jim Saunes, Kevin Smith.

1. Minutes - moved David Dirks,, seconded by Jennifer Ross
            - all in favour of approval

2. Report from Sharon Sommerville

    - 12 community festivals, 3 of them in 2 days
    - submitted 22 community dialogues
    - hosted Jean-Pierre Kingsley
    - monthly discussions
    - backyard discussion
    - high schools
    - National Day of Action - Feb 11
    - pop up protest at Liberal event
    - Nathan Cullen's tour
    - 48 letters to the editor on electoral reform
    - doubling our media presence every year for four years
    - 37000 people visiting website in 2017
    - 27 pages of petitions this year
    - only 3 buttons left from order
    - 3 runs of postcards - passionately received
    - Tri-Pride and Labour Picnic have the highest proportion of interest
    - Not much presence in Cambridge
    - best response is to the fairness issue

==> accepted: moved by Don, seconded by Cathy - ALL IN FAVOUR

3. Treasurer's Report

    - Money in 1323.74
    - Money out 1171.10
    - Difference 152.64
    - Donations from events
    - Expenses for events (eg. Kingsley)

==> accepted: moved by Sharon, seconded by Dave - ALL IN FAVOUR

4. Old Business

- David Dirks and Cathy Scott approached groups who may be interested in
prop rep
- targeted income inequality groups
- low income voices, basic income interested, living wage group will spread
the word
- looking for joining our list, endorsements, joint events.
- social action in churches, women's groups, climate change groups
- suggestion of approaching women's business groups
- coalition of causes that would benefit
- PIRGs suggested - haven't had a lot of luck
- approaching young party members can generate some discussion
- approaching young, minorities, non-Christian faith groups

Report from Letter Writing Team (Don Fraser)

    - wrote to Record, Star, National Post, Maclean's
    - also wrote to Prime Minister
    - 3 times to every Liberal MP
    - registered letters to cabinet
    - emails to others
    - Jen and Sharon wrote to Justin to have a conversation,
    since they wrote the platform -- no response
    (would get more from Pierre)
    - letter writing mailing list can use more people
    - need people to submit letters by others on blackout.
    - should comment on issues that could be improved by PR
    - Twitter responses can be effective

5. Election of executive board

- Shannon Adshade, Don Fraser, Mo Markham, Cathy Scott, Kevin Smith, and
Sharon Sommerville will stand

A vote was held -- STV two rounds - all elected but Shannon Adshade.
Sharon Sommerville co-chair; Kevin Smith secretary.

6. New Business

- Wording on buttons and orders
    - 250 or 500 buttons 2-1/4 inch
        - 108.74 and 209.99
    - Do 250 now, and we will discuss a new message
    - Approved by Financial agent of Fair Vote

- Anniversary (have an event year after significant date) - to be considered
- some discussion about forming a fundraising committee
- Promo Wheel
    - People will spin wheel with numbers
        - matches with countries who have PR or not - guess

Digital outreach (Jonathan)

    - web design: input who you voted for, and whether
                you're represented or not
    - could take tablets to festival
    - volunteers for committee:
        - Jonathan Cassels, Bob Jonkman, David Dolson, and Jay Judkowitz

NDP Approach (Jonathan)

    - has approached leaders
    - mixed response
    - should we target NDP leaders over summer?
    - Anita from Fair Vote Canada is on board with this
    - motion to focus on NDP leadership campaign with
    policy platform for proportional representation
        - motion by Jennifer Ross, seconded by Jonathan Cassels
        - one abstention, rest in favour.

Summer Festivals - Volunteers

    - Handle by email - Jay suggested Google Forms
    - special request for organizer Sat Jul 8 at Kultrun (Sharon is away).

7. Announcements

8. Motion to adjourn - Donald Fraser, Jonathan Cassels - 9:15pm.
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