[fvc-wat-disc] Please join the phone bank

Anita Nickerson anitann88 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 13:26:38 EDT 2018

I'm really encouraging everyone to join the phone bank. We need help. Other
than giving money (fundraiser coming Nov 9 :), this is the most important
way you can help.

This campaign comes down to two things:

1) *Who can influence the most people.* The NO side has a huge status quo
advantage in any referendum - up to 20 points. And with advertising
standards not applying to political speech, they're spending all their
money and influence (remember the media report where 3/4 of the media
basically parrot their points) on dishonest fear-mongering. Nazis,
appointed MLAs, untested systems, backroom deals, extremists will take
over, you'll have no local MLA. As well as the usual "it's too
complicated." They'll say anything to frighten people and they've every
corner of fear covered at full volume. Quite honestly, our positive
messaging, as important as it is (so please donate to the fundraiser on Nov
9), and calling them out on their lies, just can't compete with that.

2) *Who can get out the vote. This is where we can win, but only if we have
everyone's help!!* I know I am extremely tired today, having been up till
4:30 AM again, but I'm pretty much *begging* all of you on this list. We
don't want to be on this list for another 30 years discussing voting
systems and rehashing why referendums failed. People are mailing back their
ballots now. We have about 200 people who signed up to the phonebank and*
about 35 people making calls. There are 9000 people to call. *And that's
only PART of our list. The rest we robocalled, because we knew we'd never
have enough volunteers to call our whole list. Right now we are less than
1/4 the way through our calling list. By the time we get through it at this
rate, many people will have already voted - and you KNOW the folks who sign
something at a market are very susceptible to changing their minds. We saw
it in 2009 - because fear works. AND there are groups with lists in calling
system, like Dogwood, who have 800,000 members, and are running almost no
campaign. They decided not to spend any money, to do no on-the-ground
campaign (FVC is basically it for on the ground) and just phone banking.
Most of their people are into anti-pipeline stuff. I would hazard a wild
guess that there is NO WAY the volunteers they signed for this campaign can
get through even a fraction of their own list. And those people REALLY NEED
A CALL. Many of them don't have a A CLUE what PR is about!! If we were able
to get through our own list and start calling their list, that could make
or break this referendum. *We have the people on our side - but only if we
can reach them.*

Rani has now made an instruction sheet for Call Hub so you don't have to go
to a training or watch a long boring video. Email if you want that.

Please help us call.

If everyone in Waterloo, and everyone in Canada, who supports PR pulls
together now we can use the one advantage we have - *people who care* - to
win this referendum.


On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 9:09 AM Dave Arthur <arthurd23 at bell.net> wrote:

> Two articles in yesterday’s Vancouver Sun.
> We need the voice on Andrew at this time.
> Dave A
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Sharon Sommerville <sharonsommerville at gmail.com>
> *Sent: *Thursday, November 1, 2018 9:01 PM
> *To: *FVC Waterloo Region Discussion <fvc-wat-disc at listserv.thinkers.org>
> *Subject: *[fvc-wat-disc] The BC Referendum Is Going To Be Close
> Hello FairVoting Friends,
> At last night's monthly meeting we talked about the BC referendum & that
> the vote is going to be close .  FVC is urging people to help make calls to
> ensure that supporters of proportional representation get their "Yes"
> ballots in the mail.
> This is another request to help with phoning our supporters in BC  It is
> simple to make calls from our here and our help could make the difference
> between winning and losing.
> If you have some time to help, here are the links to the online training:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89fwyFJJyPQ&feature=youtu.be
> The training is 1.5 hours long but apparently you don't need to take all
> of it as the phone system is user friendly.
> This is the call hub, once you are ready to call!
> *https://app.callhub.io/embed/agent-signup/?user=OFCGOTV&embedkey=40fa2b5d20fff980c1289759b0e2767
> <https://app.callhub.io/embed/agent-signup/?user=OFCGOTV&embedkey=40fa2b5d20fff980c1289759b0e27676>*
> Thank you
> Shaorn
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*Proportional representation delivers more of what YOU voted for!*
Sign the Declaration: www.fairvote.ca/declaration
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