[fvc-wat-disc] GREEN-NDP alliance?

Jonathan Cassels cassels.jon at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 09:07:59 EDT 2019

None at all, in my opinion. They can't merge, the Green constitution makes
that virtually impossible, as it requires 90% support and a majority vote
at a party convention -- something they don't have time to do before the
election, even if they had a hope of passing. By law, they can't coordinate
during the election. And I'm unsure what a "pre-election alliance" would
look like. They both advocate for environmental policy and election reform
today, saying "We are now allied in advocating for the things we already
advocated for" doesn't really change the status quo.

In theory, Green local riding associations (which have *way* more freedom
than the NDP equivalent) could individually opt not to run candidates in
this election. There was one out west somewhere who chose to do that in
2015 to help the ABC movement. But that can't be coordinated, and it's
unclear that a majority of Green supporters would go to the NDP in most

The Maclean's article is a cynical attempt to collect clicks by arguing in
favour of something which has some surface level appeal, but which the
author knows is a practical impossibility.

Unless there's some manner in which the parties could help one another
which I haven't thought of?

On Tue., Apr. 30, 2019, 7:09 a.m. Kevin Smith, <kevedsmith at gmail.com> wrote:

> So an article in Maclean's is saying that NDP and Greens combined would
> win a large number of seats, and hold whoever wins to a minority.
> I know the parties have major differences, but a pre-election alliance
> around Green New Deal and electoral reform would have potential, no?
> Kevin.
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