[fvc-wat-disc] Fw: When your candidates knock, tell them you want proportional representation

David dirks daviddirks at rogers.com
Mon May 16 10:31:05 EDT 2022

Just wish to ensure this gets to our members locally.  Apologies for any duplicate mailing.

Residing on the the Haldimand Tract promised to the Six Nations in 1784, the traditional lands of the Neutral, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples. 


   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Fair Vote Canada - Anita Nickerson <anita.nickerson at fairvote.ca>To: David Dirks <daviddirks at rogers.com>Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022, 01:34:25 PM EDTSubject: When your candidates knock, tell them you want proportional representation
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Dear David,

Here's what politicians tell me: 

"I don't hear about this at the door in my riding." 

That's their excuse for their lack of support - or their party's lack of leadership - on proportional representation.

It's time for us to change that!

When candidates knock on your door this election, tell them youwant proportional representation! 

Party strategists care about what gets them - or costs them - votes. If all of us bring up PR at the door, the message will be heard at the top.

Thanks to you, we're reaching out to Ontarians with a massive volunteer effort to deliver PR door hangers. 

As of today, we've hit over 100,000 door hangers on their way to volunteer leaders across Ontario.

The more money we raise, the more advertising we can do and the more voters we will reach. If you can chip in to help fund this effort, please donate here:






If you'd like to deliver door hangers and haven't signed up yet, please sign up here. Foot power makes it happen!





Proportional representation is fundamentally important to every single issue in this election.

Health care. Environment. Our social safety net. Our economy. 

The voting system has major consequences for every issue that impacts our lives. 

When one party can get a "majority" with 38% of the vote, the rest of Ontarians are shut out of decisions.

The wild policy swings—where one falsemajority government brings in a program and the next one tears it up—is costing us millions of dollars and producing years of bad policies that hurt people.

To solve long-term problems, we need to make every vote count, and we need our parties to work together. 

Only proportional representation can do the job. 

Thank you helping us make PR an "at the door" issue in this Ontario election!


Anita Nickerson
Executive Director, Fair Vote Canada



Click below to find out where the parties stand on proportional representation and a Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform in Ontario:



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Learn more about why the Liberal plan force through winner-take-all ranked ballots - with no evidence, and no independent Citizens' Assembly - is as bad or worse than first-past-the-post:



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Fair Vote Canada

88 North Drive
Kitchener, ON N2M 1K8

Opt out of all Fair Vote Canada updates

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