[fvc-wat-disc] Translation help?

Brian Tanguay btanguay at wlu.ca
Sun Jan 13 22:28:26 EST 2013

Hi Anita,

I can do some proofreading, and possibly translating from French to
English, but I am not confident moving in the opposite direction
(English to French). And there are certain times of the year - December,
April, September, mainly) that are not good (doing course prep or

My father was French-speaking, until he was about 11. Then he was
rapidly assimilated. I didn't hear much French in the home (apart from
swear words). But I have an Honours BA in PoliSci and French, and so
should be able to handle simple stuff.


>>> "Anita" <lanickerson at b2b2c.ca> 1/12/2013 11:10 AM >>>

Hi Fair Vote supporters.


As Fair Vote is getting busier, translation into french is getting to be
more of an issue. We have a paid translator we use for the monthly
newsletter and press releases, but if we had to use a professional more
than that we'd be broke. We have a small group of volunteer translators,
but I hate to inundate them with stuff.


I'm wondering if any of you are bilingual (or know someone who is who
would want to help FVC) and could translate or proofread the odd thing
for me?



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